Connor Mcgregor stands in a fighting position stance as his competitor regains his balance.
He evaded punches hops all around the ring and throws a punch. His opponent hits the the ring as he comes flying back to him. He knocks him out as he falls to the floor.
Connor jumps up an down as he throws his hands in the air and he fits pumps up towards the lights.
The roar of the crowd cheers as the opponent stands up and he launches at him. He hits Connor with full force as he trips on the floor. He bounces back as he stands up he looks out to the crowd.
He sees me in the crowd I can tell as I camouflage within the crowd.
I meet the sync of the camera men flashing light and I begin to use my phones light. I know I kept the light flashing on an off I would get his attention. He stares at me for a few minutes annoyed at my sole efforts.
My flashing was code I set into his mind when he was forced to do a court mandated therapy session.
As I kept flashing his mind he has frozen for a bit as it triggers his mind. He knows he must find me after the fight and then turns back to hit him head on. The two men go head to head as they send blows back an forth.
Finally one last blow as the other man fell to floor an he turns to look for me as I disappeared. I look at him from above as he searches the crowd to no avail. The man stops as the referee grabs his hand and raises it to sky declares him the winner. He pumps the crowd up as he leaves the ring.
Connor begins to rush around the building in a fit and he looses his temper as he hits the wall hard. He holds himself together as he decides to walk around one more time. As he walks out I wait by his room as begin to flash lights even brighter again.
He stops mid step as he sways all the way back and forth looking at me.
I tell him to follow me as I open the door to his dressing room and
I command him to go in and just sit down an do nothing else. He instantly does as he is told an he smiles at my praise.
I close the door behind me then lock it as began to use the flash again and he falls into a deeper trance. I make him so happy as I walk behind him touching all over this body. I destroy what’s left of his free will and start to rebuild his mind.
He is a super fighter, slave and my body guard. He stands up at my command as he woke up free of any control. He stands up as I pull him into a kiss as he hugs me very tight. I look into his deep now an total docile eyes as he holds on to me tighter. I kiss him as I push him into the wall and he feels my super skinny weight again.
The end.